Hostbill Upgrad Failed

Acabo de entrar en el hostbill, y hoy mismo sacan un update! Pero lo aplico y casca

Upgrade Failed


Make sure your PHP memory_limit is high (for PHP5.3 128MB is minimum), and your current server load is low.
Make sure chmod, mkdir, copy are not in disable_functions in php.ini
Make sure that your current HostBill files have valid file owner/group:
If you're using suPHP your files should belong to your user, not root
If using suPHP please make sure umask is set to 0022 in suphp.conf
If using PHP as apache module, your files should belong to apache:apache (user:group)

En mi caso, para arreglarlo hice

chown -R apache.apache .

siendo . el document root

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